Saturday, July 28, 2012


From our very last country to wherever you are, 'Hola!' 

For 3 weeks, we have been enjoying the beauty of Guatemala and the warmth of its people. We have grown quite fond of the children we are teaching--both in the after school program and in the public school, though some of them aren't quite as easy to love... Manos de Colores is an after school program where community kids come for homework help, as well as English and art lessons. The 5 to 14-year-old kids greet us with cheery hellos and bid us farewell with besitos. Tuesdays and Thursdays, we trek to teach English at a public school just outside of the city. The 5th and 6th grade students can be a delight to teach, but can also be less of a delight--especially when blowing spit wads at us. 

We have been living in Xela with our host family, who feeds us delightful Mexican-esque things, which is just warming us up for home. They are patient and kind as we try to communicate with our broken Spanish (Taylor's a little less broken Spanish than mine) and their non-existent English. All in all, they've been a treat, but at this point, home is sounding better and better. 

Like all of the other countries we have visited, Guatemala has character to boot. With stray dogs EVERYWHERE and buses crowded full of people, to babies wrapped in colorful woven cloths and apron-donning women slapping fresh tortillas, our eyes are constantly entertained as we walk our daily miles. 

Not only have we walked, but we have also had the pleasure of joining our Guate-mama on her frequent morning runs. Although on the first day we were a little unprepared and found ourselves jogging in flip-flops behind a little Guatemalan grandma, we have since wisened up and are sure to leave the house in shoes. 

Our spare time has been filled with the beautiful lake vistas of Atitlan, climbing up the hill just outside of town to see the nearby volcano, strolling through vibrant markets, and playing with our newfound gatito. 

We had an unexpected change of plans when our commitment here ended a week early, so we thought: "Why not head home and surprise the pants off of our friends and families??" (who we are more than excited to see after 7 long, but wonderful months away). By the time you read this, we will be settled into our more permanent places of residence, so if you live near us and would like to hear more stories or to see pictures of faraway places, please let us know. 

But whether you live far or near, we would both just like to say: thank you, dhannyevad, webale nyo, teshekular, grazi, danke, obrigada, gracias, and THANK YOU again--for caring and for praying and for coming along for the ride. We couldn't have done it without so many of you, and it's been a dream--maybe even more. 

With SO much love, 
Taylor and Corie

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